Input Tax
From the beneficiary’s point of view, “temporary sales tax” is the VAT added to the price by the supplier when the beneficiary purchases goods or services subject to VAT. If the beneficiary is registered with the VAT, you may be able to collect this VAT from the FTA subject to the following conditions: · The taxable person has received and holds an invoice or other document certifying the amount of VAT supplied. Import; and · All or part of the VAT amount has been paid or will be paid (in this case, the amount of recoverable sales tax shall be limited to an equivalent amount). Once it is confirmed that the VAT can be collected, the amount can be included in the relevant VAT return as a VAT deduction.
Output Tax
” Output Tax ” is a VAT that the taxable person calculates and charges for the supply of goods and services when registered with VAT. Suspended sales tax usually needs to be calculated for supplies to others. However, in certain circumstances, you may need to charge VAT for supplies that are deemed to have originated for VAT purposes or are subject to reverse billing clauses. The obligation to record the temporary sales tax arises at the point of taxation of supply, that is, the date of supply. When the supply date arrives, the taxable person will be required to include VAT on the VAT return covering the taxable period.